Tuesday, October 25, 2016

New Mothers Support Group Singapore: Socials @ Polliwogs Suntec

Come and join us at our morning social at Polliwogs' Suntec branch. A great opportunity to meet other mums in a similar situation to yourself and for the kids to explore and play. Included in your entry there will be a free craft session and game for the little ones!

Please note that no outside food or drinks are permitted in the play area of Polliwogs. However, there is a coffee shop where you can feed your baby. Polliwogs is most suitable for children above 6 months old.
NMSG Social Price
Children 2 plus $17 per child (usual price $20) 
Children below 2 $11 per child (usual price $13)
You can register your interest in attending this event via the NMSG Meetup Group

- Please dont forget your socks! All adults and children must wear socks within Polliwogs. So please pack some in your bag before coming along, otherwise a pair can be bought at the centre.

- There will be no Paediatrician attending this event.
Please note, due to the popularity of this venue, we have started a first come / first served system as there is a limit to the number of children/adults permitted at any one time.

- Meet-up registration does not guarantee you a place at our regular socials

10am - 11.45am on the following dates in 2016

Wednesday 26 October
Polliwogs Suntec
3 Temasek Blvd
Tower 4


Nicole O'Connor

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