Thursday, January 8, 2015

Westward Housing Group: Transparency and Efficiency

We are clear about how we spend money.

It is important that we demonstrate value for money in the delivery of services to our customers.

As a business for social purpose, we want to invest our money in the things that matter most - our customers and our communities.  We will continue to consult with our customers about the information we publish.


Westward's efforts to invest our money in the things that matter most - our customers and our communities - can be jeopardised by fraud.  Fraud threatens a reduction in the availability and quality of homes, so we take it very seriously.

There are many different types of fraud including illegal subletting, false housing applications, fraud in contracting or works, fraud in procurement, and fraudulent accounting.

We aim to deal firmly with any instance of fraud.  We will take seriously, investigate and deal with any suspected fraudulent activity whether reported by customers, staff, or through whistle-blowing.

Customers with concerns about fraudulent activity should contact their housing officer in the first instance, or call 0300 100 1015 and ask to speak to the Westward company secretary.

Westward includes: Westcountry Housing and Support, Tarka Housing, Horizon Homes and Help to Buy South West. Westward Housing Group Ltd, exempt charity. Templar House, Collett Way, Newton Abbot TQ12 4PH.

Westcountry Housing Association Ltd, exempt charity, (address as Westward).

Tarka Housing Ltd, exempt charity. Tarka House, Clovelly Road Industrial Estate, Bideford EX39 3HN.

ShareWest Limited. Company no: 8800407. Sharewest is a subsidiary of Tarka Housing Ltd. Address and VAT no (same as Westward Group): 918 2212 42. Board members: Felicity King (Finance Director), Barbara Shaw (Chief Executive), The Guinness Partnership Limited (Stephen Lodge is authorised to act as representative as regards Guinness Partnership’s shareholding)

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